Friday, October 15, 2010

WebOS 2.0 pictures leaked

HP is arranging the tracks to become a bigger player in the mobile world by tapping the expertise of its latest acquisition, Palm, for a new edition of WebOS. While the Palm Pre was a solid phone, it failed to deliver on the hype, and it’s been ages since HP has made any sort of dent in the mobile industry. Together they’re looking to take a stand against Apple and RIM with WebOS 2.0, which is expected to be featured on upcoming HP smartphones and tablets.

The screenshots showcase some new features of WebOS 2.0, including an expanded universal search, a new dialer, and a new multi-tasking feature called “stacks.” New services that look to be integrated into WebOS 2.0 include MobileMe, Google Docs, Facebook, LinkDln and Dropbox.

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